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sign post forest - watson lake 

Be sure to come prepared with a sign to leave your mark! You can add to the nearly 90,000 others that have already done so. You'll be fascinated to see the signs, locations, and distances that fellow travelers have conquered to get to this point. Such a neat display and idea for a little town along the route to Alaska. The visitor center, which shares its location with the sign forest was also very helpful and informative about the route and surrounding areas. 


soldiers summit - kluane national park & reserve

With majestic views of Kluane Lake, this .6 mi hike makes for a quick but educational stop. The audio recordings along the trail made for a very informative walk where you'll gain a lot of knowledge on both the history of the highway and the land in which you stand on. To make it even more desirable, this path has amazing scenery throughout.

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