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Didn't take us long to fall in love with this city! We randomly picked the right day to come, as we soon realized from all the locals that it was "First Friday". If you can manage a visit during one of the first Friday's of the month, I'd highly encourage it. We were greeted with sidewalk activities, free-samplings, and a lively atmosphere that went well into the night. Great to see a community come together and enjoy their open intox event where all ages are partaking. Some memorable spots we visited while there was Nourishing Cultures Kombucha, Black Cat Bakery, Noodle Express, DOCs Deli (try to snag a free coupon from First Friday) of which we would highly recommend. The Farmers Market on Saturday seemed to be a great deal, but got rained out the day we went.. womp, womp. 

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glacier np

With a park offering so many hikes and destinations, we were initially bummed to find out that heart of the park was closed due to the recent avalanche activity. This just meant we had to get creative with our route and do some extended traveling around the park and enter back in one of many entrances. We managed to make it as far as the roads and trails would allow us and resulted in no shortage of activities. We spent several days here - I would recommend the same. Day at Lake McDonald and the hike to Grinnell Lake & Glacier were for sure some of our highlights. (We even saw a grizzly bear on the trail!) East Glacier Lodge was a good spot to swing by and enjoy some huckleberry brews and delicious huckleberry bread pudding!   

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